Posted on September 13, 2022 09:19 by Tracy

8 Easy Tips to Improve Your Home Security

emergency locksmith near me

Home security is a top priority for many people, and for peace of mind, you should take several steps to ensure your home is secure. Whether you're a homeowner or renter, there are simple ways to add extra security to your home. Here are eight of our best tips:

Check your locks

  • Deadbolts. Make sure you have deadbolts on all exterior doors, as these are the most secure devices available. They offer greater protection than a keyed lock and can be used in combination with other locks like door chains for extra security.
  • Door chains. A door chain functions like a metal link fence: it keeps intruders from forcing their way in through your front door. It won’t completely stop break-ins, but in combination with a reliable deadbolt installed on the door, it will minimise the risks.
  • Knob handles. If there's no lock or chain on your exterior doors, you should install doorknobs so that anyone who tries to push their way into your home will be unable to get past without first turning the knob/turning around and leaving again before coming back when they're prepared for an actual fight (which may just happen if they're too lazy).

It's important to have multiple layers of security on your doors, like a deadbolt and a door chain. That way, even if someone is able to get past the first layer of security, they’ll still have to contend with the second. And the more layers of security you have, the less likely it is that someone will be able to get into your home uninvited.

Lock up your garage

  • Use a garage door opener, and keep the door closed.
  • Install a garage door security bar or sensor.
  • Get an alarm for your garage door if you don't already have one and make sure it's set to go off if it detects a break-in (you can also get automatic locks that will close the door).

Keys4U Locksmith

Consider getting a security system for your whole house. As you can see, there are many things you can do to secure your garage and protect your belongings. By taking some simple precautions, you can deter criminals and help keep your family safe.

Use a home security system

Having a home security system is like having an extra pair of eyes around the clock. It can help you feel more secure, confident, and relaxed. A home security system will allow you to relax at night without worrying about intruders entering your home. Furthermore, if there is ever a break-in or theft at your house, the police will be more likely to be able to locate the perpetrator with the help of the cameras and sensors installed. 24 emergency locksmith near me professionals who install home security systems can advise on the best system for your home.

Secure your doors

One of the easiest ways to keep your home safe is by making sure that all of your doors are locked when you leave. This doesn't mean just locking the front door; you should also check windows, back doors, and garage doors as well. If you have pets or young children at home, it's wise to install deadbolts on all exterior doors so they can't be opened from the inside without a key. Make sure there are no gaps in your walls that someone could see through or fit their hand into.

A chain on an exterior door can act as an added layer of protection; however, remember that anyone outside will still be able to see who's coming and going through this opening.

Hence, if you are looking for a more secure option, consider installing a peephole or a door viewer. These devices allow you to see who is outside without having to open the door, which can be a great deterrent for criminals.

No matter what you choose to do, make sure that your doors are well-lit so that you can see anyone approaching them, and don't forget to test them out before relying on them for security.

With a little bit of creativity, you can come up with all sorts of door security solutions that will work for your home. Just remember to keep your safety in mind and choose something that you're comfortable with.

Some homeowners even go so far as installing a dedicated alarm on their front door which will sound if someone tries entering the premises. However, we don't recommend this because most burglars won't give up until they successfully break into another area of the home.

Install a peephole or door viewer

A peephole is a small hole, usually about 2 inches in diameter, that allows you to see who is at your door without opening it. The peephole can be installed near the doorknob or on the inside of the door. Most are made from durable acrylic plastic and come with simple instructions for installation.

If you live in a high-crime neighbourhood, a peephole is a good way to help protect yourself against theft and burglary as well as determining whether the person calling at your door is just trying to sell something.

Use smart lighting

Smart lighting is a great option for anyone looking to improve their home security. It is controlled by your phone or smart device, allowing you to turn lights on and off as needed. You can even set them to turn on automatically when they detect movement in the house. This will alert you if there's an intruder, even if they sneak into your home while none of the lights are on.

Additionally, smart lighting can also be programmed to turn off when it detects no movement (like when someone leaves the room or the property), saving energy.

Never hide a spare key outside of the house

The most obvious security risk is leaving a spare key somewhere outside of your home. It's easy to forget about it being there, but thieves will be sure to find it. They can use it to get into your house and break in when you're not around or wait until you're asleep and steal from you while you're sleeping.

Don't leave keys in your house on view close to your front door. Thieves have been known to use a hook through the letterbox to take keys and get into the house.

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Secure any dangerous tools or weapons you keep in the house

If you do keep weapons or the tools of the trade in your home, make sure you lock them up. If possible, store them outside the house (in a shed or garage) and leave an extra key with a trusted neighbour or family member.

If you don't have a safe place to store dangerous items and want to keep these items away from potential wrongdoers, consider finding a friend who's willing to store them on their property.

These easy tips can help add extra security to your home

Now that you’ve learned a few ways to improve the security of your home, here are some additional tips to make sure your home is safe:

  • Keep all windows and doors locked when you aren't at home.
  • Get a dog - they're good alarm systems!
  • Don't post on social media when you're going away - wait until you get back to share your photos.
  • Be sure to keep your home well-lit, both inside and out.
  • Know all the best hiding spots and cover them with security lighting.

If you follow these easy tips, you’ll be able to improve the security of your home. The most important thing is to secure any dangerous items in the house and make sure they are locked up at all times. Also, it’s best to have an alarm system installed that will notify authorities if there are intruders trying to break into your home when no one is around.

Locksmith near me now! We're open 24/7 and can help you out in a pinch

If you're in need of an emergency locksmith near me now, don't hesitate to contact us. We're available 24/7 to help you with any lock-related issues you may have. Whether you're locked out of your home or office we can assist you. We can help you get back on track as quickly as possible. Contact us now and we'll be there to help you in no time.

If you need a locksmith near me right now, call our number and we'll be there in 30 minutes or less! If it's after hours, that's okay too - we are open 24/7 so that we can be there when you need us most.

We're here when you need us!

There's nothing worse than being locked out of your own home. Whether you've misplaced your keys or they were stolen, you need to get back inside as quickly as possible. If you're in this situation, you should call a local emergency locksmith near me immediately.

A locksmith is a professional who helps people with broken or lost keys. They can replace the key if necessary or repair the lock itself if it's damaged beyond repair. In some cases, they may even be able to unlock the door without damaging it at all!

If you're locked out of your business, a locksmith can help as well. They can make new keys for your vehicle and install them in less than an hour with minimal damage to your office door or ignition system. They also have access to sophisticated tools that can open almost any door lock without causing damage to either the vehicle or yourself!

We know how to handle emergencies

If you're ever in need of an emergency locksmith in London, you can count on the professionals at Keys4U Locksmith. We're available 24/7 to help you with any emergency locksmith near me London needs you may have, whether it's getting into your home or office, or changing your locks. We're always here to help, so don't hesitate to give us a call!

We offer a wide range of services, including:

-Lock installation and repair.

-Emergency lockout services.

-Garage door lock installation and repair.

Do you have any questions about our 24-hour emergency locksmith near me service? If so, don't worry, we're here to help. Here, we answer some of the most asked questions from our customers.

locksmith services near me

Where do I find a reliable locksmith near me?

If you need assistance in a hurry, you can always call a local emergency locksmith service. There are a few ways to find a reliable locksmith from Keys4U Locksmith.  One way is to ask friends or family members if they know of any good locksmiths in the area. Another way is to search online for locksmiths in your area and read reviews of their services.

Can I hire a locksmith near me?

Yes, you can hire an emergency locksmith near me. We are a nationwide company, but have local locksmiths located in all major cities. We offer a wide range of services including lock picking, duplicate key making, and more. We also provide emergency services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. So if you're ever locked out of your house, don't hesitate to call us!

Where can I find a cheap locksmith near me for house lockouts?

There are a couple of ways to find a cheap locksmith near me for house lockouts. One way is to check online directories such as Yelp or Google Maps. Another way is to ask your friends or neighbours if they know of any recommended locksmiths in the area. If you're still unable to find a cheap locksmith, you can always contact your local police department for assistance.

How do I find a locksmith London near me?

When you need locksmith London near me in London, it's important to use one who is reputable and experienced. There are plenty of locksmiths to choose from, but not all of them are created equally. Here are some tips on how to find a good locksmith near you:

  1. Ask your friends and family for recommendations. If someone you trust has had a good experience with a particular locksmith, chances are you will too.
  2. Do some research online. Check out review websites like Google and Yelp to see what other people have said about different locksmiths in the area.
  3. Call around and get quotes from several different locksmiths before making a decision. This way, you can assess your options to make sure you’re getting the best deal for your circumstances.

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