Posted on October 13, 2017 by sylius in Case Study

Case Study: Unusual Door Lock Change

We attended a property for what we assumed was a normal lock change on the bottom lock of a client’s front door. On our first visit, the engineer quickly recognised that this was a not a simple door lock change. The lock that was installed is an old style claw lock that is really quite rare. In fact, many of our local engineers were not familiar with it!

Our task was now to source the part to be able to quote the customer. After many calls and emails to various suppliers, we finally found the correct part. The only problem was that it was extremely expensive and also had a 5-6 week lead time! This would not work for our client, who manages properties across London. They asked us to come up with a different solution that that would still be secure but can be done sooner at a cheaper price. We came up with a solution that required minimal work to the door itself and left the door secure. Now with a new lock that was done within a couple of days and a lot cheaper than replacing the like for like lock would have been. Another happy customer and an even happier tenant!

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